Ahah! Hello again thar. It seems I took an unplanned and unpredicted break from blogging, for no other reason than I was starting to become very busy on the computer with editing and the many, many application emails.
But now I shall make my best efforts turn into something hopefully somewhat joyful/entertaining/painfully boring if you are half-empty/interesting blog. :D Hurrah *fireworks*

And a new layout has arrived on the red carpet! I took three hours out of my time that would not have been spent doing something useful otherwise to create my own layout with little sticky notes and notebook-like tables etc, and a pretty little Berlin background. However, my own layout was not half as good as this one I found, which looks much more professional and rather more exciting. So three hours down the drain, but I've still got that one and all the HTML code in reserve. ^^ I might mess around a bit with the background of it, but of course still keep the credits on etc.

So just a quick entry to say that I'm back and watch this space. ^^'


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About Me

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Aims to squeeze the whole world onto a single page. Or maybe little more than one page. Loves physics, photography and Private Eye.
